My step to Australia
Department of Biomedical Sciences
College of Life Sciences
Ritsumeikan University
Going abroad seems very difficult and need to have a courage to get into action. However, going abroad would definitely be a valuable experience through your life, and also the procedure of it is quite easy. First, you need to choose which country to go, then the school. Then the next thing you need to get is, is the score of TOFEL or IELTS. The other things we need to prepare is statement of intent, CV and the certificate of graduation. Through my work, it would be a pleasure to encourage people who wants to go abroad especially to Australia and make them make a movement.
About Myself
I am a student from Ritsumeikan university. I used to go to an international school until the elementary period. That’s why I am able to speak English than others. The school life in international school was very special for me. The picture bellow is me with my teacher in grade 1. Everyday life during that moment was very enjoyable. Though, there is one thing I really hated because of this experience. It is when people asking me if I had lived abroad, when I spoke English in front of others. I had an inferiority complex about not living abroad. Therefore, I decided to go to a graduated school after I finished my degree.
About Australia
The country I decided to go was Australia. There are many good points in Australia. First, the time difference between Japan and Australia is 2 hours. It would make easy to contact with my family and friends in Japan. Also, it is said that there are many good universities in Australia, which would advance my future career if I could go. Also, the climate is similar with Japan. This would definitely make me easier to live. The top 8 universities in Australia is called “the group of eight”. To go to Australia, we need 4 elements. They are, certificate of graduation, statement of intent, CV, and IELTS or TOFEL score.
I decided to take the test of IELTS. IELTS tests 4 different English skill. They are reading, listening, writing, speaking. The score I needed was over 6.5 for every skill. I took the test on December 7th. My score was 7.5 for listening, 7.5 for reading, 6.5 for speaking, and 5.5 for writing. I couldn’t pass the writing test. That means I need to encourage my writing skills. To manage the score I need, I should try to write more paragraphs, and also read news articles to learn how to write a paragraph.
Message for Reader
If you have something you want to do or think you should do, you have to make a movement. It is important to challenge. Feeling regretful before making a movement isn’t good. I would prefer regretting after making a movement. Therefore, it is important to feel confident and have passion to change your future. We all have strength to change future career.
My Clip