What should you take to recover from the fatigue?

~The Danger of High Caffeine Intake and The Efficacy of Imidapeptide~


Department of Biomedical Sciences

College of Life Science

Ritsumeikan University


There are many ways to recover from the fatigue around the world, but some ways are proved not effective. Studies on human fatigue started from 1990s and the mechanism of the fatigue has gradually become clear recently. The purpose of this study is to show a new scientifically explained mechanism and introduce the most effective substance to reduce the fatigue. Some people often drink a cup of coffee when they are tired. There is no doubt that caffeine which is contained in coffee makes them active, but the effect of the substance is just concealing a sense of fatigue. It would be undesirable to take a large amount of caffeine when they are tired, because piles of fatigue can cause other diseases such as a heart disease and a depressive illness. The fatigue which people feel after a hard day’s work is caused by oxidative stress which a reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to. An excess of ROS results in cell injury, so removing ROS from the cells is one of the ways to recover from the fatigue. Anti-tiredness project in Japan proved that the most effective compound is imidapeptide which is an antioxidant and contained in chicken. You can get the benefit if you eat 100 grams of chicken a day. Imidapeptide would contribute to help a lot of people who suffer from their fatigue.


fatigue, reactive oxygen species, caffeine, imidapeptide


Please watch the movie below which shows my research.


    • Kajimoto, O. (2016). Subete no hirou ha nou ga geninn [Brain is the cause of all fatigue.]. Tokyo: Syueisha shinsho.

    • DIAMOND WEEKLY. (2016, November 12). Hiro no shotai [the truth about the fatigue]. DIAMOND WEEKLY, 104, 44, 40-50.

    • Web Magazine Coffee Break. (n.d.). Coffee toshokan [Coffee libraly], Retrieved December 12, 2016, from