Masashi NAKANO
Music Remains
How do you listen to music? The purpose of this study is to introduce music streaming services and how its impact the sound of pop music.
The history of music cannot be separated from the history of technology. From the invention of the music box to the present, there were various changes in the music industry.
In the 20th century, entertainment such as gramophones, radios, walkman have developed, and people became able to enjoy music everywhere. But recorded music revenue has fallen drastically over the past decade. There is no other way than to create a better service to eliminate illegal downloads.
Streaming is expected to be a savior of the music industry. Spotify is the largest music subscription service. It is designed to legally restore profit to the music industry by stopping illegal file sharing.
"Streaming won’t just change the way pop music is consumed, but also the way it’s created." (TunesCore, 2016) Throughout the history of the music business, the goal was always the same: get people to purchase records. Financial success is no longer based on one-time sales, but on ongoing streams. The more a track is played, the bigger the payout.Success is no longer about the hit, but the replay. More tracks mean more streams mean more royalties.
Music, Streaming, Downloading

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Nbr (2016) How Streaming Is Changing Music (Again) retrieved December 27, 2016, from
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TuneCore, (2016). How Streaming Will Change the Sound of Pop Music, Retrieved November 27, 2016, from
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